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Sunday, December 27, 2009

About 786-articles!!!

786-articles was started with a view to provide articles on diversified topic such as health & fitness, business, learning, communication skill. confidence building etc...

What makes us different?
--> Each article is written with the reader in mind. We highly value our reader's time and, therefore, articles are written in short and precise form. No unnecessary information or explanation is given.

--> Each article would take 4 to 5 minutes of reading but may prove to be very effective for your cause. “The best form of investment is investment in one own self, let that be the investment of time” But here, no waste of time and excessive explanations, simple easy-to-understand tips in bulleted points

Whatever tips and guidlines are given (on any topic) are very helpful and effective. However, you need not adopt them all at once but should start following some and then gradually add others to your routine!!!

Help us continue our services by providing us suggestions and feedback on You could also send in articles at the same e-mail address (sender would be given due recognition).

Existing articles are updated and new articles added each week.

The writer is a freelancer writer, English writing instructor, Essay corrector and proofreader. To contact please email at!!!

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Communicating: 7 Cs

Effective written communication is very important for conveying and expressing our messages. It is very important to accel in personal as well as professional life. 7 Cs here play a vital role.

7 Cs of effective written communication and their importance are as follows:

Clarity: The message should be clearly written and drafted. Simple and short sentences be used. For example., instead of writing: 'Rains are a big problem as they tend to create mud and other problems and I just hate it' write: 'I do not like to go out in rain'

Completeness: The message shall contain all the relevant facts and figures pertaining to the situation. Leaving out important information can lead to an ineffective communication. For example., instead of writing 'I want an official leave' write: 'I want a leave for 20 days from 2nd March 2010 till 22nd March 2010.

Conciseness: The message shall be precise and to the point. Excess and unnecessary information be avoided. Time constraint of reader be kept in mind. Message shall be conveyed by using least words. For example., Instead of writing 'I have already applied for official leave so that I can go on a holiday for 20 days to Switzerland' write: 'I am going on a holiday'

Concreteness: Concrete i.e. specific data shall be used rather than vague ones. For example., instead of writing 'I am going on a long holiday' write: 'I am going on holidays for 20 days'

Correctness: The message should be correct in terms of grammer, spelling and punctuation. A dictionary may be helpful in this regard. For example., 'I can go there and will do it but I could not' does not fulfill criteria of 'Correctness'

Coherent: Message should not be broken and ideas should flow naturally. For example., 'I went to Switzerland. Oh I saw photos of Pyramids of Egypt there. I missed my house really.' Sentences look illogically set! Do not they?

Courteous: Message should be written with a 'You-attitude' and be reader focused. It must positively build good-will by emphasing reader benefit. Proper titles be used.

P.S. Cs may overlap (For example Completeness and concreteness) or may contradict (for example Completeness and Conciseness) each other. However, circumstances of the case and nature of information be used to determine which C to sacrifice!

Happy Writing!!!

Fitness: Most effective tips and techniques to lose weight!!!

Yes, experience it yourself:

1) No more junk

2) Lemon: Take a glass of luke warm water and squeeze a medium sized lemon in it. Drink a glass every day on empty stomach in the morning and you would feel the difference in 15 days!

3) Use a lot of garlic, ginger and lemon in your foods. They all help in digestion and, hence, a reduction in weight

4) Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a middle-classed man and dinner like a poor. Make sure you eat your dinner at least TWO hours before going to bed.

5) Have Green tea with some ginger or lemon, half an hour after dinner.

6) Chew your food completely. Make sure your are slow when eating. Let saliva in your mouth get onto the food so as to make it digest quickly. Avoid watching television or doing any other activity while eating.

7) Try and have a slow walk of around 10 minutes after dinner

8) Use stairs instead of lift or elevator (in case you have sufficient time)

9) During office hours, instead of calling some one from other department or place, walk to him/her. Help yourself for small things rather than calling the peon or office boy.

10) Never skip your breakfast!!!

Fitness: Moving and excercising!!!

(You can easily buy cheaply from one of our sponsored advertisers by clicking the ads on the roght side)

Simple moments and exercises:

-->Weight loss is nearly impossible without a good exercise program. So, just get up and be ready for a great exercise program. You need not have expensive machinery or membership of a lot of time and effort. Be good to yourself and build up slowly.
o Start each day with a ‘2’ minutes aerobic session. Yes just ‘2’ minutes to build up on.

o As you wake up, just give ‘2’ mints to yourself: jump, walk briskly, run whatever you want to do but try and bring your heart rate up. These ‘2’ minutes could be very handy: ‘something is better than nothing’.

o Do 2 minutes every day for at least 2 weeks, then add 2 minutes with each week until you reach ‘30’ minutes.

o Usually a ‘30’ minutes aerobic session, 4 days a week is very effective.

o Transition from ‘2’ to ‘30’ minutes may bring with it problems such as boredom and de-motivation but do not give up and continue, just keep ‘30’ in mind and in no time you would be there.

o Remember to keep changing activity each week. Some of them could be:
© Jump / Run in a place
© Jog around the apartment or in a park
© Run up and down the stairs
© Rope skipping
© Dancing

--> Try and have a slow walk of around 10 minutes after dinner

--> Use stairs instead of lift or elevator (in case you have sufficient time)

--> During office hours, instead of calling some one from other department or place, walk to him/her. Help yourself for small things rather than calling the peon or office boy.

--> Swimming is great activity. Swimming 3 to 4 days a week, for about 30 minutes and nominal speed can be great. If you do not know how to swim, just get in there, hold bars at the corner and just lift your legs and start cycling for small durations. It will help you lose a lot of calories. (Caution: Do not go for it after eating, wait for at least 45 minutes and then have a dive-in!!!)

Fitness: Eating habits to lose weight!!!

Simple change in food items: {As mentioned before, you need not follow all the following immediately but do take them into your life gradually}

--> No more junk: Yes, Please please please, for yourself. When I purchased my first bike, I made sure that I take full care of it so much so that I purchased the most expensive but excellent oil for it. So, is our body that cheap that we put in ‘JUNK’ in it? No burgers, Pizzas or likes. Of course immediate action may be difficult but start going for a lesser JUNK each time, For example, if you were previously having a jumbo Chicken burger with double cheese, go for one without cheese next time, and subsequently go for a regular burger and then finally do not go for any burger simple!!!!

-->Foods containing fat content:
Bad fats (Trans fats and saturated fats) be limited to once a week to begin with but subsequently it be reduced to once a month. {Cheating once a month is acceptable :p . . .} List of some of the foods containing bad fats:
Ø Ice cream
Ø Butter
Ø Cheese
Ø Chicken and meat fat
Ø Cookies
Ø Cakes
Ø Potato chips
Ø Candy

-->Add Figs into your diet: 3 figs early morning on empty stomach would not only boost up your metabolism but also charge you up for an energetic day {Try it, I would love to have your feedback…}

-->Lemon: Take a glass of luke warm water and squeeze a medium sized lemon in it. Drink a glass every day on empty stomach in the morning and you would feel the difference in 15 days!

{If you want to follow both the above tips, I would suggest first drink the lime water and after 10 – 15 mints, eat figs. I, myself, do the same}

-->If you are lucky and able to get real, natural honey then add a table spoon of honey in your lime water.

-->Use a lot of garlic, ginger and lemon in your foods. They all help in digestion and, hence, a reduction in weight

-->Use negative calorie foods: Apple, Mangoes, Oranges, Lemon, Berries, Grape fruit.

-->Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a middle-income earner and dinner like a poor. Make sure you eat your dinner at least TWO hours before going to bed.

-->Have Green tea with some ginger or lemon, half an hour after dinner.

-->Last and the most effective tip: chew your food completely. Make sure your are slow when eating. Let saliva in your mouth get onto the food so as to make it digest quickly. Avoid watching television or doing any other activity while eating.

Fitness: Losing weight by training the mind!!!

Training one’s mind:
-->First of all forget you have a weight problem: Research indicates if a person continuously tends to think of weight, he/she becomes more and more depressed which results in excess eating and, hence, more weight. So be easy and simply let it all off in air!!!

-->Forget any timelines you have set for yourself. Just forget them. No weekly, no monthly, nothing. Give yourself time. You may just stand up and set yourself up for loss of 6 pounds/ week, believe me you will end up not doing anything. Give yourself some time, of course weight gained over a long period may not be immediately lost. Can it be? {Wish I had a magic wand}

-->Just in case you feel demotivated about following the tips, just close your eyes and imagine yourself being a slim person and not only this, imagine yourself at your favourite party spot, surrounded by Friends and Family and, then the best part, “being praised for your body”!!! Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

-->Write down your target weight on several small pages. Now, paste them on the most visible spots of your room (even in your bathroom!!!). Believe me, your mind would be automatically trained to reach that goal and you would feel highly motivated.

-->If you are exercising or doing body movements, write down your feelings, after exercising, in small note book and refer to it every now and then. Do it every time after exercise. This will not allow you to get off the track!!!